(The Outlander Series Book #3)
by Diana Gabaldon
Genre: Time-Travel | Historical Romance
Thus begins the third book in the OUTLANDER series, in which we learn that–despite his best efforts–Jamie Fraser did not die on the battlefield at Culloden. He isn’t pleased. Back in the 20th century, Claire is equally shocked by the revelation of Jamie’s survival–but much more pleased about it. We hear Jamie’s story as he moves forward, trying to forge a life from the bits of his soul and his country that are left, and hear Claire’s brief recounting of the twenty years since she left him at Culloden, while Roger MacKenzie and Brianna (Claire and Jamie’s daughter) draw close to each other as they sleuth through the clues of the past, in an urgent hunt for Jamie Fraser. Can they find him? And if they do, will Claire go back to him? And if she does…what will happen then?
I am hooked on this series!! When I pick up a book, I'm not interested in reading anything else. Plus, the books are quite thick (1000+ pages in paperback), so once I begin . . . it can take awhile for me to finish and I am more than satisfied staying up late to put in time with the tale. I'm also happy Claire and Jamie are getting a second chance at happiness, even though they do have to sacrifice connections with their daughter Brianna, who has remained in the present (for now!). It was enjoyable catching up with Jamie's family and experiencing Claire's joy in re-connecting with close friends from the past. There were some shocking secrets that Jamie had to reveal to Claire, so that added some great tension to the overall story.
Since these books are so dense, it is almost impossible to do a in-depth review since many readers will point out certain highlights that others won't. Overall, I'm excited for Book #4, but have decided to put it off till my own trip to Scotland this May! (Whoo-hoo!!!) I find I'm going back into the stories and trying to put to memory locations to re-visit myself, but overall the Highlands are my focus. {silly grin} Yet, within Voyager, the readers gets to travel a lot with the characters -- all over Scotland, Paris, and then some. The boat trips were a nice change in pace and the ending actually had some spooky voodoo parts, which is always a little different, enjoyable and keeps the tale interesting.
If you follow the series, you'll get to re-visit some old characters in this tale...especially some memorable ones from Book #1. Yet, as I have stated in past Outlander Series reviews, many of the same plot lines are used (ex. rape, yet again, but less subtle this time!) and I always seem to find that as a sore point in the books; almost disgustingly so this time. Funny enough, Claire seems to be getting braver in her age and almost more daring then big-tough Jamie, especially so in Voyager. If you enjoy history and love romance, you need need to check out these book. Highly recommended!!
Likes: Claire displayed a lot of jealous is this story, especially directed to some of the characters from Jamie's past - it's fun to see a prominent character who was so comfortable in her situation before to learn to adapt to changes now. Plus, for me, it just went to show how strong her feelings were and will always be toward Jamie. I liked that.
Dislikes: I always say I love series and these books are so fascinating, but sometimes. . .it's a lot to read for just one book. Don't get me wrong -- the thickness it not exactly a fault, just an annoyance sometimes.