Monday, August 2, 2010

*REREAD* One Foot in the Grave by Jeaniene Frost

One Foot in the Grave
(Dark Huntress Book #2)
by Jeaniene Frost

Genre: Paranormal Romance | Urban Fantasy

Half-vampire Cat Crawfield is now Special Agent Cat Crawfield, working for the government to rid the world of the rogue undead. She's still using everything Bones, her sexy and dangerous ex, taught her, but when Cat is targeted for assassination, the only man who can help her is the vampire she left behind. Being around him awakens all her emotions, from the adrenaline kick of slaying vamps side by side to the reckless passion that consumed them. But a price on her head—wanted: dead or half-alive—means her survival depends on teaming up with Bones. And no matter how hard she tries to keep things professional between them, she'll find that desire lasts forever . . . and that Bones won't let her get away again.

Half-Vampire, Catherine "Cat" Crawfield (know as "Kitten" to only one other), is now a full fledged Vampire Huntress.  She has her own specially trained team, works within a secret government branch, and cannot forget about the dark past (particularly one leather jacket wearing vamp) which is catching up with her.  Vampire Master, Bones (known to his close personal friends as "Crispin"), didn't take well with Cat disappearing five years ago; since then, he's be on the hunt for any information pertaining to her where-abouts and he just got lucky.

Their paths fatefully cross again in of all places, a close friend's wedding; where both are in the bridal party.  Keeping feelings contained is something Cat prides herself on and plus, she's a professional now and cannot put more around her in danger.  Thus, the reason she left years before.  Bones, on the other hand, refuses to lose Cat (again!) and is willing to expose himself to her co-workers as well as train those within Cat's agency.  Beside the romantic tension between the two yummy main characters, tons of vampire history is given, Cat's father's identity is revealed and his relationship is closer to her than previously thought,  Bone's vampire heritage is learned, and lots of action packed adventures are had.  If you read the first book in the series, you'll be itching to jump right into the next.  It's a great followup and Cat saves herself (and the story) from becoming too much of a kick-ass/bad-ass female read (something I loathe!) by having Bones show her up with his amazing vampy powers.  I'm also that rare exceptional reader that dislikes books with men/women in uniforms (ie. law enforcers) thus, the "secret" hunting agency (not just a police force) twist of the tale helped me enjoy it a lot better! To each their own, eh? So . . . Enjoy Dark Huntress Book #2 y'all!

Likes: I adored the part when Bones was faster than a speeding bullet during their date, could fly after those they hunt, and that Cat joked they should leap tall buildings in a single bound next.  Super silly, but cute!

Dislikes:  Cat's mom has NEVER grown on me throughout the series.  I basically skip the sections she's in.


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