Saturday, July 16, 2011

The Sleeping Beauty Proposal by Sarah Strohmeyer

The Sleeping Beauty Proposal
by Sarah Strohmeyer

Genre: Contemporary Romance

At thirty-six, Genie Michaels feels like she has hit the snooze button on her life one too many times. When her "commitment-phobic" boyfriend Hugh proposes on national television-not to Genie, but to an unknown mystery woman- Genie's wisecracking friend Patty does hesitate to give her some tough love: "You remind me of that idiot Sleeping Beauty, lying around like a zombie waiting for your price. Well, guess what, he rode right past your castle and no you have choice-you can either go back to bed or you can wake up!"

Genie chooses to wake up. After some questionable advice, her first step is to allow everyone to believe she's Hugh's fiancee. (She'll let him be the one to explain the mistake.) Naturally the good news travels fast and, in a heartbeat, Genie's parents are booking a reception hall while friends are showering her with gifts. Genie feels ad about the deception, but at last everyone is dancing to her tune, and she can't help but enjoy it. Particularly when a certain to-hand-some-for-his-own-good Greek carpenter shows up on the scene thinking he's hotter than Tabasco.

Genie realizes that she never needed a man to start her life-to buy a home, to get a better job, or even to wear a diamond ring. And if Prince Charming wants to show up while she's at it, she just might teach him a thing or tow.

Genie is in a rut and she doesn't know it, until her life turns up-side down. Now she (with the sly help of her friend Patty) is on a new "road to marriage" with no groom in sight; "let the chips fall where they will." (page 75) Yet, as more of her family becomes involved with the marriage plans and things of the side begin to heat up with another guy , Genie begins to confront some stagnant details of her life. Details that may just just lead her in a direction for a better life overall, with a little revenge for Hugh, her "fake" fiancee, of course.

If you feel like a fluffy, lite read - this will do. Something silly for a Saturday afternoon! It was fun to see Genie evolve throughout the story, not necessarily for the better, but a least enough to make some drastic changes in her life. Sure she had a lot of help from her family/friends, so don't expect something based in reality here. The plot does point out some prejudices related to marriage and singe-women - sucks how some mind-sets just never go away. As well as just how wrong the whole concept of "good things come to those who wait" can truly be. Yet, the main thing I got out of the book was that one must be either brazen, bizarre or both to live ones life to the fullest.

Likes: It was enjoyable to read about Genie's close family, even if they were little (sometimes a lot) chaotic!

Dislikes: I have to agree with Genie's mother, Patty (Patricia Ann Minelli McGowan Pugliese) annoyed me as well!

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